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Im wondering now. will there be no more free updates for itch?


Free updates will come 2 weeks after the Patrons get it, up until the Steam release :)


will the version be updated to match the steam version? My country doesnt allow nsfw games on steam


yes! no worries there :)

iv'e made ove 20 k and can't spend it on anything i'm not sure what to do or how to exit the shop when i talk to the front desk lady. and not sure how to proceed on the talking stage of the girls.


To get out of the shop lady hit esc then cancel, You pretty much just need to give gifts, find which ones suit which girl, For the farmer girl (i forgot names) The best ones are in my opinion, sprout, novel, and turnip.


This game is amazing, I am seriously loving this (especially the slime minigame its addicting) I am grinding so many coins its so fun to do! I hope there's more slime gameplay implemented into the game, looking forward to the next update!

- The Slime Minigame Enthusiast

ah, you're really gonna love the patch coming out tonight/tomorrow then! much deeper combat ^^


Early Merry Christmas btw, I forgot to say :D
(also I have a proud high score of 35)

nice dude!!! merry christmas! :D

how many scenes are there? Im finding out but it'd be nice to

3 for Pepper, 4 for Tilly, 3 for the new girl in today/tomorrow's patch :)

Wait whos tilly? I guess I havent gotten that far.

(1 edit)

Can we please get mouse movement controls or arrow key+numpad controls? Just any way that would allow us to play with one-hand lul.


planned for a future patch! ^^


I wonder why you would want to play with one hand 🤔


to eat a sandwich with the other, of course :*)

Is there a way to see the scenes again?

how do you even unlock one im stuck lol

Get gold, buy presents, give, talk, bj :)

Deleted post

Check the calender above the MC's bed, it's a gallery :) we'll make this clearer in future patches!


oooh thank youu


cant wait to see what that mop and bucket are about



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What are the controls and where can I find them, I can't exit the shop or save. pls help...


Esc key exits the shop and WASD + click are the controls. I'll make a tutorial for a future patch! Also the game autosaves every night when you sleep!

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Ok thanks, also love the game so far, ton of fun!


thanks so much, glad you're enjoying it!!!


Thank you to all the new followers and interest shown for Suite 69! We're very excited about the new girl and combat overhaul coming in the next patch in a few days! Patrons get the patch immediately, weeks before the public, so join our Patreon to support us if you're able, and join our discord too!! ♥♥ 


This was a very cute game! I managed to get all the gallery scenes, looking forward to future updates!


thank you so much, more is coming very very soon! ^^

Is this going to be a android game?

We don't have plans for that right now!


hey great game i like the art and stuff just like i said before but do you guys have a rough estimate on the next patch? 

(sorry just excited for the new combat system)


Rough estimate is about a week from now for the new patch! It'll be available then to $10-tier patrons, and two weeks after that for non-patrons! <3


All right thanks mate

This would be a great android game too ngl

could you make it able to be downloaded on the itch app? it doesnt seem to want to download apart from on a browser


Very promising game! Love the idea of hotel & relationship management + Vampire Survivors type game. Fleshed out with a proper story, maybe interactivity between characters along with gameplay development/issue and UI/UX improvements and it's looking to be a game I'd even consider buying!

Also, great art!

thank you! we're currently working on the biggest patch yet that pours a lot more depth into the combat, as well as brings a new girl!! we're going to be working on bettering the UI/look of the game straight after, so don't worry, we hear you!! thanks for the feedback♥

How can I transfer the savedata from the previous version to the new version? Thank you。

i would've asked that question too if you wouldn't ask it, i think what there's no way to do it currently

hello hello, sorry I didn't see the parent comment! save data isn't stored in the game folder so you don't have to transfer anything :) happy gaming!!


May i ask how much heart is required for Pepper's 3rd scene and Tilly's 4 scene?

I don't know if you have noticed, the difficulty of the fight with the slime becomes increasingly easier, because the bombs they drop continue to accumulate without limits and there comes a time when you don't even need to shoot, you just have to pass over it and Now, I realized it because I reached an absurd level without realizing 

we're completely revamping the combat in the next patch including difficulty, bosses, and powerups to overall make it more fun and engaging :) so that will all be fixed by then. thanks for the feedback!






(1 edit)

I think the game is good in terms of gameplay. I like what developer came up with with the combat system, I hope it will expand and the game will develop in all possible ways. I wish success to the game and to you, the developer. And I would also like to mention one detail, when the boss is defeated, the waves, as I understand it, become endless. It's not very good because I personally got to wave 137 and my computer couldn't handle the game anymore. Maybe you will add some end after a certain wave and, as necessary, move it away?

I noticed something else, the third scene doesn't work in the Pepper Gallery. When I click on it, the second one starts. Is it just me?

Your game does not show up in the installer on the itch app. Can you add it? :)


Noticed a small bug. When you go to replay Pepper's 3rd event. It plays the second event.

Must say, I've been havin a lot of fun with this game! Can't wait to see where it goes!

love the art style too   :)


Hey! This is fixed as of this latest patch thanks so much for reporting!!


Really cute lookin game and the artwork is definitely up my alley, keep it up !

Thank you so much! ;v; we will!


Is there a sprint button? I keep dying to the green ghosts? They move faster than me and rip me to shreds before I can empty more than a clip or two. Are there speed upgrades or something? Fun game, good start, but I can't survive once those show up.


from what ive seen, no sprint button. but you can outrun the first slimes with base speed if you move diagonally away to kite them, and you can upgrade your speed, ammo, reload speed, and damage at the bench in your room

I tried clicking on the bench and never had anything happen. If I can upgrade, then that's what I was missing. Thanks.

Really cute Pepper, like her furry design. Also any plans to make these girls after you managed to romance you to 100% that they will join you in fighting the slime as an extra firepower attack?


With a bunny this game is perfect


definitely on the horizon!!! they're one of my favourites ;v;

I will be waiting for you like never before

pip scenes whe



Discord link says it's expired

Sorry about that, this one should never expire!


Will there be android version?

(1 edit) (+1)

seems this issue is fixed in the latest update! Multiple times I've run into an issue where I clear all the monsters on a stage but it doesn't progress to the next, and I just get stuck there


Thanks so much for that, sorry for not catching this comment!


can i change the screen size? it is being locked in a very inconvenient size where i cant barely read text from row 2 and 3, thanks

We have released an update for this now! ^^


Will there be futa?


If enough people vote for it anything's possible!~

How to get gift?

Get coins by heading outside and shooting slimes! After you buy a gift, the shop refreshes every 3 days

Is there a shop other than pip? She has only offered to sell me the lobby upgrades and stock hasn't refreshed in over 10 in game days.

To the left of Pip's head/chest there is a green arrow to take you to the gift shop ^^ in the next update I'll make this bigger/more noticeable!!


I am having trouble doing anything. Could I ask what the specific keybinds for the game are? After talking to fox in the lobby I couldn't leave the room and talking yielded no new dialogue.

WASD to move and clicking to interact is all you need, then ESC backs you out of the shop or dialogue! What happened to you seems to be very rare so try restarting your save file if that's okay! We're releasing another patch within 24 hours.

Kayo, thanks mate!


Great Art cant wait to see the game progress

Thanks so much!!


wait it takes $400 just to get verified? if thats not a typo im shocked! sheesh no wonder most games don't have it. What a dumb hurdle for indie development. love the artstyle btw

I'd love to get this signed maybe when it's more developed, but yeah I couldn't believe it!! And thank you!~ :3


saw you in FF14. Now I'm following. HAI. It's that silly Cat Boi who helped you in the fight and rode his bike all over the place. ;)

AAA omg thanks for checking it out!! good luck gaming :D



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I'd recommend putting at least one image of the NSFW content on the main page to give people an idea of what to expect. 


You think so? I was wondering if I should as well, but with there only being one girl for right now that's ruining like half the surprises! A new girl will be added in 2-3 weeks, so I think I'll add more lewd screenshots then! Thank you for the idea ^^

2-3 Images are enough, it's just that the point of the game is (obviously) for the players to... well you know. And with a few lewd images the players can decide if the style is to their tastes, you know?

Mhm, I took your advice! Got one lewd image up right now and in two weeks when I can get another girl in I'm gonna add another of her scenes as well ^^ thanks for the insight!! Helps to have a man's perspective with these things sometimes LOL


Keeping an eye out. Make me proud.



I like it:

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