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fun game, but I'd like to turn down the moaning from the male and increase the girls voice audio. Just seems that the guys voice audio is louder than Frankie


Way ahead of you for next patch 👍 glad you're enjoying it so far!

(1 edit) (+1)

amazing game and i love the mechanics of Frankie using the cams on stage, you got this LOVEBITES. btw i think it'd be amazing if you guys add a peeking system and more batter.

thank you so much big man!!! We'll add a peeking system for sure, and the battery will be fixed/better for next patch so stay tuned!!♥

Deleted 274 days ago
(1 edit) (+2)

Either an item found in the area you unlock with the crowbar, being either a tophat or a bowtie (note: having both items gives you 2 scenes total). For rest of the scenes, you purchase the items on BooBay and get caught after buying them

Deleted 274 days ago
Deleted 274 days ago

where did you find it


When you buy the crowbar, you use it on the barred doors near the stage (place where Frennie uses the cameras). They show up on the item finder if you have having trouble seeing them

the game is amazing! but the scenes confuse me. I understand one scene for the bowtie and one scene for the tophat, but i got three other scenes when i got caught, that i have no idea how i got


The items you buy on BooBay are all scene items! Let Frankie catch you when you have one :)

so, just checking, the only way to get scenes is to use the purchased items and get caught, or use them to get other items and g et caught? theres no scenes from simply gathering normal items and leaving, or getting caught otherwise?


Great game, just wondering, how many scenes are there in total atm?


5 I think.

Ok, thank you :)


amazing game i can see the work behind it and its honestly pretty well made. BTW there is a super tiny bug, if your hideing in a crate and while hiding you open your inventory you can turn on your tablet without opeing it but the battery usage will still change so as in you can have it use zero battery while using it but it will use battery when its not in use

I'm really glad you're enjoying the game so far! We know about this bug and it's already fixed for the next patch. thanks for reporting it!!!♥

that bug can be used by opening inventory then using ur pda anywhere, not just while hidin

hey will there be a Android version?

No plans for it currently!


will I commit the dick rip of 87? 

answer: yes


Just downloaded and am getting a warning before launching, anyone else getting this?


dw its fine, go enjoy the thicc animatronic


i risked it lololol


NGL, pretty good for just an initial release. I feel like the gameplay is a bit too easy (although I will assume that it gets harder as updates progress) but I do have a few suggestions. And small note: I will be using the names that Cryptia gave the models just to avoid confusion.

1. Make the game a bit darker, but less foggy. Aside from missing smaller objects, you don't really need to use the flashlight at all.

2. While having a way to detect the location of Frennie is good, I feel like it should be a buyable upgrade rather than you just having it at the start (same could be said with the item detector). Makes it feel more satisfying as you actually earned the upgrade.

3. Making the cameras instantly alert Frennie (or whoever is using them) rather than the same detection thing that Frennie has. It would just make the player be a bit more alert about the cameras being active, instead of the ability to sprint through the lights.

4. I'll admit this one is more of a nitpick than anything, so take this one with a grain of salt. During sex scenes some better camera angles would make them a lot more enjoyable, as the current ones aren't bad. But they simply could be better.

For another of these FNAF porn games, this one is very solid all things considered. I know people are going to compare this to Fap Nights, as that that one is the best FNAF game I have seen. However this one takes a Solid 2nd place despite being an initial release. Well done!

(1 edit) (+1)

extremely promising for an initial release, cant wait for more, i might even start supporting on patreon if this gets a lot more content! im not the hugest fan of slowly grinding for items and it could prove to be problem as more of the characters are released so i would usually like there to be scenes when getting caught to make it more bearable to grind and since thats admittedly what most people who play nsfw fnaf games play them for.

thanks so much, working on a patch as we speak!


this is just blatant plagiarism at this point. you do know there is a game called fap nights and frennies and this game looks like you just straight up ripped the assets and pasted them into your game.


Brother they didn't make these models either we both bought them from CryptiaCurves LOL


You should probably do a bit of research before making claims like this.


Is you has stupid?


I have a recommendation, update the game to OpenGL 2 down and your players with older devices can test the game.


Awersome! As always.

Ehehehe thank you!!!

I wanted to ask a question or two. 1 What do each of the items do {I exept the paties since i think we all know what they do} and what does the tophat do once you pick it up. Also awsome game cant wait to see more

amazing idea and not too hard. beat it in 40 minutes.

def want more scenes especially getting caught sneaking into box or locker or whatever. would also like to see other animatronics implemented. it may be easiest to do this by level rather than expanding the map and putting one in their own area but up to you. 10/10 good game

More of everything coming soon!

The game is good but I found a bug. If you press the tab button after lowering the camera, there's a chance that a camera bug may occur, causing it to drain battery while not in use. However, when you use it, it stops draining battery, making everything much easier as you can keep it on and see object locations at all times without any issues

This has been pointed out by a few different people so it'll be fixed for the upcoming patch! Thanks so much for the feedback!

I would like it if you could improve and upgrade your room, keep some of the items you find for yourself, and have a camera to take photos of the girls out and about or interacting with each other or the club's environment!


We may have plans for that in the future! Stay tuned~


Hey there! I believe that this game as a lot of potencial and even for a first version i would give it a 4/5 stars, with it being really close to 5. I wont give it 5 stars because of some problems that i think they could be worked a little better. This game feels a little bit like Cumrooms and i wouldnt be suprised if the developer(s) inspired on that game to make this. Im mentioning this since a part of my criticism is going to be based on that game.


The game is easy. It is really easy monitoring and hidding from franky and the power from the PDA is not really that threatening. For that i would suggest doing some things to make the game a little more challenging and interesting: 

1º. the enviroment is a llittle to bright, you dont really need to use the lantern to see some itens. Making the game a little more dark so that the latern would be more useful, but with that make the animatronics react to the light, by seing you seing your position better than if you had the flashlight off. 

2º Make the cameras more active so that it gives a little more challenging, but when spoting the player the animatronics wont go into "chase mode" (ill call it that) and just go to the position were the cameras spotted you (maybe on a faster pacecthan theyre normal walk). 

3º. Remove the mode were you can see the animatronics from the PDA. It would be harder to know were the animatronics are making you need to hear the sound of their footsteps to know were they are. But as a little replacement, you could make us use the cameras around the map, giving more that FNAF style to search for the animatronics and making utillity of something that is also "against you". 

4º Make the battery go down a little more fast so that you cant be always on your PDA and maybe remove the flashlight from the PDA to make the battery reduction more fair. 

5º Make the animatronics catch you if they spot you hiding, for example on if they spot you on a certain distance you hide, they will catch you. But on return make them more slow so that you on sprint are a slight more faster than them. 

6º. Make it so that you cant leave the place so quick. This was the problem that i believe makes the game so easy and is that you can search a couple of itens (if you unlock the barricated door its even more easier) and then leave. This makes it extremely easy to gain money, so, instead you the door could be locked the moment you walk in and you need to find a new exit, by collecting itens around map that helps unlocks that nem exit.

There are some other things such for the stats that you augment, intstead of for example buying more 100% stamina, you can devide that for 4 levels that you need to buy to get the full 100%; the shop instead on giving itens for the scenes, you put them on the map to encourage exploration (you can make them blocked by some zones that you need to first have a certain tool to unlock it) and you put on the shop upgrades and tools to help you.

Some other suggestions to had for the future:

While adding more animatronics you could make each them have an special ability such as franky being able so see more far way and when you had foxy, she is quicker than the other animatronics, things like that to make the gameplay more interesting. For future updates you could had skins, more places on the map and a 360 mode for the scenes.

I think thats all... I look forward to see the developement of this game and hope that you guys manage to make something fun!!! (also sorry if i made a spelling error)

(1 edit) (+1)

Btw some ive found 2 bugs, one were your walking speed becomes your crounching speed (dont know what it causes that) and the other is that load game doesnt work for me


item weight causes that, its not a bug. 

Buen juego, la verdad, comparado con otros juegos parodia de fnaf, es el que menos requerimientos necesita, y eso es bueno, aunque tiene algunos puntos negativos a resaltar... como ejemplo: Cuando freddy esta en el escenario, los fps caen repentinamente, también el hecho de que las partidas no se guardan aunque duermas, el que mas extraño me pareció fue el problema de compatibilidad con mi VGA, ya que me solicitaba un Opengl 3.3 (el cual ya tengo). en fin, es todo lo "grave" que encontré, aunque no me preocupo, ya que apenas es la primera version, estas cosas se solucionaran fácilmente en las futuras supongo



how do we get the h sences


you need to buy from the shop itens and find other itens from on the ma


--- Hello hello! The truth is that I already played the game and, for a first version, I would say it is an 8/10, but I have several recommendations. Although my comment may be ignored or not taken into account, I would like to see some of these things in the game: - More places to rob (other pizzerias, houses or other places; something like a mode similar to the Thief Simulator game). - More animatronics: self-explanatory. - Easy mode: less visibility of animatronics, longer battery life and 25% lower item value. With this should also come a hard mode with faster animatronics, fewer places to hide, more darkness but a 50% higher reward. - Camera improvements: a temporary improvement during some games where you can see the animatronics for 5 games or something like that would be interesting. - Environment: Even if the animatronics take care of the place, it would make sense to have to overcome some kind of lock minigame to get in, and some graffiti. Even if they take care of the place, it would be unlikely that no one has managed to graffiti the place. - Hotline Miami: I'm just kidding, but a cameo with a temporary upgrade or something that makes you faster and gives you a second life would be interesting. - History: explain the history of what happened a little more in depth. This could tie into the mechanic of exploring other pizzerias. - Night guard mode(?): it would be a secret mode where we would have to survive for 6 minutes without being caught and being hidden during those 6 minutes would not be allowed. - IA: He literally left the place, I came out of my hiding place and he came running towards me :/ - Construction mode(?): I don't know, I'm just bored and throwing out some ideas. Maybe something for April Fool's Day? - Futa?: self-explanatory. Well, that's a lot of text, but if you read it all, thank you! I have high expectations for the game. PS: Hotline Miami secret minigame? --- PS 2: sorry, my main language is not English.


Is this game mainly straight or will there be an option to make the characters futa/male?


If the supporters of this game make it clear they'd like those features added, they may be possible over time!

I'm not into male x futa, futa x male or male x male but as long as I can trigger it off and you the creators have no problem making it, I say go for it.


It'd definitely be a toggleable thing if we ever did it, no worries! We wouldn't have plans to implement anything like that unless a large part of the community voiced wanting it since that's not everyone's thing♥ if we ever did, it'd be after the rest of the girls are in anyways

is there any nsfw in this version?

Deleted 123 days ago

how do we trigger it?


when i open the game all i get is a gray screen that closes itself after a few seconds. i dont know if thats the exact problem but if this game uses a high quality renderer than it cant be launched on lower end computers, you should make a low quality version that uses a lower quality renderer


The game is really cool and has a lot of potential, the only bugs I noticed were that when you start the game when you open the camera you can sometimes see items falling into limbo and the issue that while the screen goes dark the animatronic can catch you, but it is a game with a lot of potential, I would recommend adding a kind of main objective that could be, in addition to getting all the Animatronics scenes, it would be going to evolve the protagonist's house and along with that the devolved protagonist's house could be the trigger for blocking new Animatronics or parts of the Pizzeria itself Or just to release the purchased items to unlock, for example, a rank 1 house you can only buy a crowbar and a comb, a rank 2 house....... and whenever something new was purchased it would stay of decoration in the protagonist's house, it was also possible to make a request and it was possible to make an option to deactivate the main character's male moans because I, like other people, sometimes prefer to just see the moans of the Animatronics.

I've played enough to get all of the upgrades and five of the scenes. Dunno if there is anything else hidden. 

Some remarks I'll include the sprint and weight system. When the game offered up storage as an upgrade, my immediate thought was the slots and their maximum capacity. Thus, when I started slowing down to a near crawl, then to a complete stop while walking, I thought it was a bug. Some basic trial and error revealed the mechanism. It certainly offers up a niche risk/reward system on top of everything present. Which brings up the sprint. I dunno how it is meant to function in accordance to the weight system. But either through hopping or running, I'm able to move at top speeds no matter the inventory weight. Though still at the cost of sprint meter.

The Smexy scenes were pretty decent and allowed for some customization I wasn't expecting towards the end. 

My only real criticism is the lack of the ability to change key bindings. Thinking about it now, I might be able to change that myself. 

Overall, it makes for a very promising proof of concept. Especially when scratching  the currently popular extraction style of game.  I wish you luck and look forward in seeing how this game progresses.


It's turning out to be an interesting toy at the moment.

Of the minuses bugs that in the comments write (bug with energy and sprint).

And so much promising project


i liked the game but my pc is weak and i hope you make something about the graphics of the game i set the resulotion to the minime and is still not working, has many lags


dude, this game is reeally good for a first version, but is any of the other animatronics are going to show up?, and how do i get the mov2?

for mov2, there is a bow that has a chance of spawning on a table in one of the back rooms! I'm glad you're liking it so far and are excited for one of the new girls coming soon! :)

Does it not work with the app?

just asking is this game android compatible if not will it be in the future I seen the comments and it’s sounds good so I want to try it cause most other fnaf games that are good aren’t android compatible 

No plans for android I'm afraid!

vary unfortunate welp I hope your game does well 


This game is definitely off to a good start. Only thing i'll say is that if you make it to the door and Frankie catches you as it fades to black, it still empties your inventory.

Other than that, great game so far. One suggestion I'll make is to maybe expand the floor or add multiple floors for future installments as the current building would get crowded very quickly with four animatronics.

The environment is getting expanded in future patches, as well as more girls coming! And we'll try to take a look at that bug since we've seen it elsewhere, too, thanks for telling us!!

no idea how many scenes frankie has i've got 5 no idea if there are more though. also 1-5 btw. also i legit bought everything as well heh


there are 5 in the game atm, more coming in each of the next couple patches!

got it. wow then somehow i did everything that quick i guess heh


he's a gamer!!

yep i guess so heh


This is amazing.  Its really good for a first version, and I can't wait to see were it will go. My only complaint is sometimes the camera lights seem bigger than they show, but it could be me. 

ah, this is so sweet, thanks so much! I'm super excited to see where the game is in even just a short amount of time too. We have so many plans!! And okay, we'll take a look at that and see if it can be adjusted!

and sometimes they detect the other bug when you are hiding inside crates

Is there going to be a android version

No current plans for it!


How to get mov 2?

Frankie's bow may spawn in one of the rooms beyond the boarded-up doors, so buy the crowbar to get through the door!


Но задумка игры мне понравилась, буду с нетерпением ждать обновлений и пытаться найти ещё какие-нибудь неисправности. желаю разработчикам добра и позитива :)


А когда будет следуйшее обновление и что там добавят??)))

(2 edits) (+1)

Прошло буквально 5 минут после захода в игру и кажется я увидел баг: при использовании планшета энергия вообще не тратиться, а при НЕ использовании энергия тратиться с бешеной скоростью. Поправка: этот баг появляется если нажать ЛКМ в любое место в инвентаре.

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